Proposed working scheme

Hindlow Quarry

Our current permission enables us to extract limestone on the site until 2042. The ROMP process will not change that date , but the submission will demonstrate that the anticipated extraction rate would mean quarrying would need to continue beyond this date. The submission will therefore assess and provide an indication of what a working scheme and restoration plan could look like once the quarry has been fully developed.

In general terms, over the duration of the operations we will continue to extract from the quarry faces, working them in a north easterly direction. The existing weighbridge office area and rail sidings would remain in their current location, situated in the east of the application area, next to the lime manufacturing plant.

Any materials that cannot be processed (including overburden) will be used as a new landform situated in the north east of the application area, which Tarmac is permitted to do under its current planning consent. This landform will be created on the other side of the railway line which intersects the application area.

Beyond 2042, the depth of the quarry would increase as stone is extracted from lower levels. Eventually the rail siding would have to be moved to allow development of the quarry. 

Phases 1, 2 and 3 (maps below) relate to operations up until 2042. Phases 4 and 5 relate to future phases beyond 2042. These can be viewed and downloaded via the “Downloads” tab.

Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3
